Nine Months in Nine Minutes: Presenting My Fulbright Research

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to present my research from my year in Jordan. While living in Amman, I conducted research on Christian television channels which broadcasted there, and their impact on Muslim-Christian relations in the country.

I only had 9 short minutes to discuss 9 months of research, so this presentation is only an initial taste. I’m currently working on an article for publication that will go into further details of my work.

I presented my research along with other current Georgetown students, at an event about social justice research. My talk begins at minute 39. You can also watch the Q&A, during which I talk about a range of issues like ISIS and identity in Jordan.

39:00: My presentation
54:45: Why did you want to do this research?
57:20: What is the history of these Christian channels? What about Sunni-Shia channels?
1:10:12: Factors of identity in Jordan
1:14:10: Did these channels spur dialogue?

2 Replies to “Nine Months in Nine Minutes: Presenting My Fulbright Research”

  1. Listening w/ interest, I found parallels in Palestine/Israel, where I spend much time. Christians and Muslims stand untited as Palestinians under occupation. Political forces divide and promote divisions among Christians, Muslims and Jews who once were united. Glad to see your presentation and trust your research will extend to understanding throughout the region and world.

  2. I guess its a bigger issue, how does television religion affect faith? Is the striving for money and ratings compatible with religious values. I’ve watched a bunch of these channels, in the UK, in India, in Jordan….it all seems to boil down to having to send money to the TV station. Whatever the religion.

    Proselytisation often causes conflict. Christians have been forbidden to evangelise in the middle east for a millennium. What happens when technology removes that control?

    In India the arrival of Christian missionaries, in the 19C caused serious conflict. A scared chauvinism grew up in Hinduism and Islam which altered to counter the arguments and techniques of the Christians. There’s an argument that Deobandi Islam was a direct response to that.

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