Talking about torture

On Sunday afternoon, I marched in downtown D.C. behind rows of black-hooded figures in orange jumpsuits, holding a sign that read, “Torture is always wrong.”  I was part of a procession commemorating the “National Week of Action Against Torture, Guantanamo, and the NDAA,” and the mock-prisoners walking ahead of me represented the many victims of …

Why you should care about the National Defense Authorization Act

*This is a long post.  But its length reflects the importance of its topic.  I hope this discussion communicates the complexity of the NDAA and the significance of the law’s implications. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was signed into law by President Obama on December 31.  This bill is passed yearly to determine the …

Images from Iraq

Along with its series containing leaked information about the Iraq war, the New York Times published these two slideshows--one depicting civilian deaths and one illustrating detainee abuse by Iraqis (and overlooked by Americans.) If we saw these pictures of war every day on the news, I think wars would be much less frequent.  The carnage …